— Academic texts —

Articles and reviews

HERE you can find several articles, reviews, conference and seminar papers.

PhD Thesis "Czech Mission"

HERE you can find the abstract and the whole text of the thesis at Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (2022).

Master Thesis

HERE you can find the abstract and the whole text of the MA thesis at Charles University in Prague (2008).

It Is Our Story - Review

The national sentiment within the political situation in the Czech Republic, as well as in other European countries, has intensified in the last three years, especially due to the recent migration. The conversation on the Christian roots of Czech culture originated from an unexpected place - from secular politicians in what is considered one of the world's most atheist countries. Pavel Hošek, the leading Czech Protestant scholar of religion, recognised the public discourse on Christian values in connection to patriotism and nationalism and took a theological approach to the topic...

Povolání Duchem do mezinárodní misie

V této praktické reflexi bych se rád zaměřil na jednání Ducha v oblasti povolání misionáře do mezinárodní misijní práce. Cílem referátu je porozumět, jak Duch svatý mluví a povolává. Podle Timothy Tennenta klade současná misiologie velký důraz na dovednost lidského úsilí, na sociologické modely a na propracované strategie (Tennent 2010: 100). Toto pozorování jistým způsobem ilustruje, že je úloha Ducha svatého v misii často podhodnocená...

Listening Between the Lines - Review

It seems that there is always space for more attention to listening in intercultural encounter. Therefore, Listening between the Lines: Thinking Missiologically about Romanian Culture appears to be a fitting title for the valuable book by American scholar and mission practitioner Cameron D. Armstrong. Its goal is that Western missionaries learn from Romanians in order to enhance cultural adjustment in their mission work...


Misijní práce mezi nominálními křesťany: Případová studie českých misionářů v jihovýchodní Evropě

Referát na sympozium Vyšší odborné školy misijní a teologické v Kolíně, 29.1.2021

Vycházím z toho, že všichni potřebují Krista a misie, ať už domácí nebo zahraniční, má smysl. Někdo potřebuje zřejmě evangelium slyšet víc naléhavěji, protože s ním nebyl ani v nejmenším v kontaktu a v tomto kontextu mluvíme o nezasažených národech. Jiní patří k "zasaženým" z toho titulu, že k němu, vyvinou-li alespoň nějaké úsilí, mají přístup. Někteří ho i slyšeli, ale odmítají jej. Zajímavou skupinou jsou ti, kteří se sami považují za křesťany, ale evangelium jako takové nikdy neslyšeli...

Mission in Two Directions: Missiological Implications of Religious Identity in Czechia and in Former Yugoslavia Countries

Paper presented at annual Central and Eastern European Association for Mission Studies conference, 24.2.2021

According to the historical sociologist Anthony Smith, ethno-religious identity occurs when religious communities are closely related to ethnic identities (Smith 1991: 7). This paper briefly engages the issue of religious identity in two differing contexts, in the Czech Republic, or Czechia, and former Yugoslavia countries, and the negotiation of ethno-religious identity in mission...

Negotiating National identity in Mission: Case Study of Czechs in Former Yugoslavia Countries

Student seminar paper presented at Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, 7.4.2021

This paper concentrates on "Czech mission" - how can the Czech missionaries' national identity be utilized propulsively in their mission work...

...Based on the evidence from the respondents and from diary notes, two partial conclusions arose:

  • Czechs have several beneficial factors for mission in former Yugoslavia countries.
  • Czech identity, when salient, at times can be useful for the advantage of the mission work...